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Please find below a comprehensive list of the birds you may see at Cornellskop during your farm stay or animal encounter. We'd love to hear about your sightings... and happy birding!

African Black Duck

African Darter

African Fish Eagle

African Goshawk 

African Harrier Hawk 

African Hoopoe 

African Olive Pigeon 

African Paradise Flycatcher 

African Pipit 

African Sacred Ibis

African Spoonbill

African Stone Chat 

Amethyst Sunbird 

Bar Throated Apalis 

Barn Swallow 

Black Harrier 

Black Headed Heron 

Black Sparrowhawk 

Black Winged Kite

Blue Crane 


Booted Eagle 

Brimstone Canary 

Brown Hooded Kingfisher

Burchell’s Coucal

Cape Batis 

Cape Bulbul 

Cape Bunting 

Cape Canary 

Cape Clapper Lark 

Cape Crow 

Cape Grassbird 

Cape Robin-Chat 

Cape Sparrow 

Cape Spurfowl 

Cape Turtle Dove 

Cape Vulture

Cape Wagtail 

Cape Weaver 

Capped Wheatear 

Cardinal Woodpecker 

Cloud Cisticola 

Common Buzzard

Common House Martin 

Common Moorhen 

Common Ostrich 

Common Quail 

Common Starling 

Common Waxbill 

Crowned Lapwing 

Diederik Cuckoo 

Egyptian Goose

Familiar Chat 

Fiery Necked Nightjar 

Fiscal Flycatcher 

Forest Buzzard

Forked Tail Drongo 

Giant Kingfisher 

Greater Striped Swallow 

Grey Backed Cisticola 

Grey Heron 

Grey Winged Francolin 

Hadeda Ibis 


Helmeted Guineafowl 

House Sparrow 

Indian Peafowl 

Jackal Buzzard

Karoo Prinia 

Karoo Scrub Robin 

Kelp Gull

Klaas Cuckoo 

Lanner Falcon 

Large Billed Lark

Laughing Dove 

Levaillant's Cisticola 

Little Swift 

Long Billed Crombec 

Malachite Kingfisher

Malachite Sunbird 

Martial Eagle

Namaqua Dove 

Olive Thrush 

Olive Woodpecker 

Peregrine Falcon 

Pied Crow 

Pied Kingfisher

Pin Tailed Whydah 

Purple Heron 

Red Capped Lark 

Red Chested Cuckoo

Red Eyed Dove 

Red Winged Starling 

Reed Cormorant

Rock Kestrel 

Secretary Bird 

Southern Boubou 

Southern Double Collard Sunbird 

Southern Fiscal 

Southern Grey Headed Sparrow 

Southern Masked Weaver 

Southern Tchagra 

Speckled Mousebird 

Speckled Pigeon

Spotted Eagle Owl 

Spotted Thick Knee

Spur Winged Goose 

Streaky Headed Seedeater 

Swee Waxbill 

Verreaux's Eagle

Western Barn Owl  

Western Cattle Egret

Where Faced Whistling Duck 

White Backed Mousebird

White Breasted Cormorant

White Necked Raven 

White Throated Canary 

Yellow Billed Duck 

Yellow Billed Kite

Yellow Bishop 

Yellow Canary 

cornellskop-logo-dark.png  |  +27 76 564 6961  |  Van der Stel Pass, Botriver, 7185  |  8H30 - 16H30 daily

©2022 by Cornellskop. Proudly created with

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